
Tristan’s Tropical Fish Update

A year ago my son Tristan and I started putting together his new business, Tristan’s Tropical Fish, LLC.  I thought I’d pass along a little update. 

Besides having to construct the infrastructure for his business, we also had a steep learning curve on how to manage the environment of a greenhouse, especially during extreme weather conditions.  Aside from all the challenges, the greenhouse has worked out better than we expected.  The natural lighting has been a boon for the reproductive cycles of the fish Tristan raises:

Before starting

His main focus is on dwarf cichlids found mainly in the Amazon River basin.  The genus, Apistogramma is his specialty.  Their small size, unique color patterns, and active behavior make for an attractive addition to an aquarium.  While many of the dwarf cichlids found on the market are harvested from the wild, the fish Tristan breeds and sells are grown in southern Wisconsin.  Here a few of the species he raises:

Besides dwarf cichlids, Tristan has started raising some of the more common aquarium fish like fancy guppies, angelfish and a few betas.  I’m sure it won’t take long to fill up the empty space. 

A few months ago, Tristan’s friend and mentor, Ted Judy, made a nice video of his operation.  You can watch it here:

For more information, here is a link to Tristan’s webpage: https://tristanstropicalfish.com/

1 Comment

  1. Vijaya

    This is great! Much success to Tristan with his tropical fish. My daughter had a couple of betta fish and when the kids were younger had a plastic cube with a couple of fish, a snail and a plant. We loved watching the fish (as did the cats) and the kids learned about parthenogenesis. All those itty-bitty baby snails!

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